The Huckleberry Giving Wall

Over the last few months through our Giving Tuesday program at Huckleberry Square we (along with our awesome customers!) raised about $10,000 and another $2,250 in donations from our partner Sysco, and a lot of food donations as well, for the Burien Severe Weather Shelter. Thank you all so much! We have one more Tuesday to go, some come on in and we’ll donate 10% of sales to the shelter.

Starting today we have a new program to help our community members in need. THE HUCKLEBERRY GIVING WALL. On the wall in our lobby are receipts for meals donated by us and our customers. If you or someone you know is hungry and can’t afford a meal, bring them in and take a receipt, no questions asked. If you want to help someone out, pay for an extra coffee, sandwich or kids meal and we’ll put the receipt on the wall for someone to take. It’s a great way to pay it forward.

Let’s build a better community together!

David Meinert


The Healthy History of Salisbury Steak


Giving Tuesdays at Huckleberry Square